Monday 19 November 2012

Featured Biscuit : The NEW Cadbury's Crunchie Biscuit

Well hello there, Biscuit Fans! I'm so sorry I've not been posting very recently. I am a bad blogger. But in my defense, I am a 3rd year student. Anybody who has done this knows that third year is a busy busy time!  Never mind, because here is a SPECIAL BISCUIT REVIEW! At the request of my friend Marjanne, I have decided to review these:

"Not a McVitie's biscuit!!!" I hear you cry! Well, not to worry because there are lots of other GREAT biscuit manufacturers. I am not biased! And this shall prove it.


Not a huge biscuit. But its quite a thick one, and has lots of chocolate which makes up for its small size. However, great consideration must be put into purchasing these biscuits as there are only 8 per packet! At the supermarket of my choice, there was a new range of cadbury's biscuits on a 2 for £2 offer. Meaning that you'd get 16 biscuits for £2. Only after having bought them did I consider the value for money thing.... never mind! 


Owing to the thick layer or milk chocolate on the outside of this biscuit, I have come to discover that not all biscuits are suitable for dunking. This being a prime example, for if you dunk the biscuit without having broken it first to reveal its crunchy innards, you are left with a melty bit of chocolate on a crunchy biscuit. However, some people like that in a biscuit, in which case, good for you for sticking out of the dunking crowd and jumping off the bandwagon! I chose a second dunking after breaking the biscuit in half as seen here-

This offered a somewhat more varied dunking experience, and although the biscuit itself was very tasty, the Crunchie cream filling does not mix well with a hot beverage. In all honesty, I think we should all just keep out Crunchie biscuits out of our cups and mugs. That is not to say that dunking this biscuit is forbidden, just ill-advised.


This biscuit does not crumble, but good lawd does it crunch. I suppose thats why its a crunchie biscuit. Because it has crunchie in. For those who do not like crunchie, I would still give this biscuit a go, because its still dead tasty and a treat for a cold morning such as today. Again, I suspect that the chocolate (and in this case the crunchie filling also) gives the biscuit structural integrity allowing it to resist crumbling even from the most chompy of mouths. 


NOM. This is a tasty biscuit. All the goodness of a crunchie, but in biscuit form?? YES PLEASE! However, if you don't like milk chocolate, stay away from this one. I will be reviewing its brother biscuit the cadbury's bournville biscuit in due course. Yes, its very nice. However, the crunchie biscuit tends to leave a strange aftertaste in the mouth. Not unpleasant, but it lingers longer than one might like. That is why these biscuits are best ALONGSIDE a beverage rather than in one.

Overall Awesomeness: 

On the outside: A normal chocolate coated biscuit. But what's this unusual thickness?? Could it be an extra biscuity dimension?? why yes it could! Its is! Its crunchie flavoured filling and honeycomb peices nomnomnom (disclaimer: I DO know what real honeycomb is and would rather this sugary imitation was not called honeycomb, but I don't know what else to call it other than "sugary ....stuff" so for now we shall just call it honeycomb) All round a good biscuit. However, it falls down on the small number per packet and the unsuitability for dunking, something for which my father will be pleased, as he views biscuit dunking as an abhorrent practise. I would give this biscuit.... 3.5 stars out of 5.

If you've tried these biscuits, leave me a comment letting me know what you think of them. Also, if there are any biscuits you want me to review, leave that in a comment too! :) 

Until next time, Biscuit Fans!!


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