Wednesday 28 November 2012

Featured Biscuit: The Cadbury's Bournville biscuit.

Hello there, biscuitoids! Again I must apolgise for my apalling lack of biscuit bloggery recently. As penance, I am drinking coffee after dark to do this for you. As the nights are drawing in, you may argue that it is hardly an acheivement, but I for one feel very strange drinking caffeine in the dark hours, unless its still dark when I get up in the morning. However, if I am lucky I may be able to get TWO biscuits reviewed this week! So you're all wondering what this week's biscuit is? Well, as promised, and as you can probably see from the title, its the cadbury's bourneville biscuit. Jolly good show.


Again, Cadbury's your biscuit size : biscuit per packet ratio is letting you down :( sad face. Yes it is thick and chocolatey but at this price, even when on offer, I still feel you should be giving us more biscuits. Only buy these biscuits if you are a true biscuit devotee such as myself, or you can afford to fritter away precious pennies on tasty treats such as these. What I didn't mention in my last post was that Cadbury's biscuit range not only includes the Crunchie and Bournville brothers, but also the Dairy Milk, Turkish Delight and Caramel varieties. Two packs for £2? hmm.... as they fit nicely in the hand but begin melting quickly, I suggest a thumb and index or middle finger holding technique.


Dear friends... much like the Crunchie biscuit, this is woefully unsuitable for dunking. However, if you insist on dunking your biscuit, PLEASE for the love of all that is good DO NOT DUNK LIKE THIS:

As you will be left with a small pile of melted chocolate, and not the dampened biscuit you require from such dunking practices. Melted chocolate runs down your hand if you are a biscuit nibbler, causing you to be in a terrible mess. If you are a biscuit biter, it requires you to take either a larger than nescessary bite or an oddly shaped bite, leading to a textural confusion of the palette. So if you really do insist on dunking this biscuit, please- break it in two before dunking : 

 ....Dunking rant over. Still, I think these are best enjoyed alongside a beverage.


Very few crumbs from either a bite or a snap on this biscuit! Even fewer than on the Crunchie biscuit! They are not as crumbly as I was expecting given the picture on the packet, and I was somewhat disappointed. Also, the packaging does not advertise in its picture of a biscuit that the inside of the biscuit is chocolate, but that it contains a "chocolate flavour cream". Describing itself as "Sumptuous cadbury classic dark chocolate biscuits with a gorgeous chocolate flavour cream centre" I felt somewhat deceived, as the picture on the packet clearly shows a plain biscuit, something more in line with your common or garden digestive. Confusion! 


Let me begin by saying, despite what I am about to say, I really did enjoy this biscuit. Those who prefer dark chocolate on their biscuits will certainly appreciate this. However, I was a bit disappointed with its flavour. Aside from shirking the work and having a chocolate "flavour" cream centre instead of having a proper chocoalte cream centre, it also had something of a nutty aftertaste, which to a person who has a severe allergy to nuts such as myself could cause some alarm. As a self confessed lover of dark chocolate over milk, it pains me to say that I cannot condone buying these biscuits a second time. With comparatively few dark chocolate biscuits avaliable, I am yet to find anything that can satisfy my dark chocoalte biscuit cravings as well as the mcvities dark chocolate digestive can. However, there are a lot of dark, unchartered, biscuity waters, so lets see what I find! :)

Overall Awesomeness:

Overall, I have to say I am ....I'll say it again, disappointed by this biscuit. It is above a standard fayre biscuit, so it has one star for that, and has chocolate so gains a further star in that respect. But with its after tastes, false flavours, small biscuit number per packet, and expensiveness, I cannot give it any more than 2 stars. Sorry, Cadbury's, but this time you have let me down :(

Next time, Vinnie has sent me for the good stuff. I'll be trying out the Fox's Ginger Crunch Creams, in honour of Danny, who suggested them.

Thanks biscuit lovers!!

1 comment:

  1. Where can I buy these biscuits as major stores have stopped selling them


Which biscuit is the best?