Thursday 6 December 2012

Featured biscuit(s): Fox's Golden and Ginger Crunch Creams

Hi there Biscuit Fans!

So I've got most of the day off, and we're halfway through our run of His Dark Materials - and its awesome. But I always have time to kick back and enjoy a biscuit inbetween rehearsals, sleep, and watching science programmes. Yup. Nerd here. I'm already feeling christmassy here in Aber, which is unusual- I'm not normally feeling christmassy until about the 17th (my mum's birthday!) and then the Yuletide feelings would kick in. Anyway -  Here are the biscuits of the day!

So the reason I'm doing both is because my friend Danny suggested that I do fox's crunch creams on the blog, but I bought the wrong kind. On my next trip to Morrisions, I phoned him whilst in the biscuit aisle and he told me which ones I should get. Ho ho ho. What a jape. 

For reference purposes, in the following photos, the golden crunch cream is on the left, whilst the ginger crunch cream is on the right.


....So these bicuits don't look particularly big... until you see THIS picture

these are THICK biscuits. They may not have the largest diameter, but wow. These triple decker biscuits are quite something. They even come in a reasonable sized packet! I'm not sure how many are in a packet because I only had a few... but better value than my last two featured biscuits!! Yes! 


Being a cream filled biscuit, I was dubious about the suitability for dunking. However, I found the dunking to be a most pleasant experience! The biscuit did not overlog with beverage and the cream did not soften too much. What a good dunker!! I'm so suprised!! No wonder they came with high recommendations from Danny. 


This biscuit suprised me. It definitely lived up to its crunch name. It was very crunchy. But its small size made it difficult to break into small peices for this attractive photo. However, lets face it- you're not really going to be breaking this biscuit apart, you're going to be biting it. Its awesome. 


Ok- so.... the golden crunch cream describes itself as "crunchy golden biscuits filled with yummy vanilla cream" ....the bit that worried me most was the vanilla bit. Because vanilla is code for boring. However - these biscuits were very tasty! I was glad that it was vanilla cream rather than vanilla flavour cream, because that would've just been Just no. REAL FLAVOURS NOMNOMNOM.

The ginger crunch cream, I must admit was better than the golden crunch cream. Simply by having a more interesting flavour. A little bit spicy is better than a bit mellow when it comes to biscuits, in my opinion. Feel free to disagree, but if there is a non-nutty alternative to vanilla, I will always take it- because more often than not, its just better.

Overall Awesomeness

Having never reviewed a sandwich biscuit before (because of the inevitable problems of how to eat it - layer by layer, or chomp across??) I was worried about taking this big step on my biscuity journey. But I was glad to have you biscuity people following as I feel we have really become close on the biscuit front. So with encouragement, I stepped outside my biscuit comfort zone and embarked. These two biscuits, whilst very similar, boast distinct differences from each other making very different biscuit experiences. The golden crunch cream was the sort of biscuit you could give to a friend without bother. The ginger crunch cream however, was the sort of biscuit you'd be more careful about handing out- much like a story a friend told me where he was most upset that somebody had put his hobnobs (a particular favourite of his) into the public biscuit tin in his house where all were free to snaffle them.
All in all, I was pleasantly suprised by the quality these biscuits offered. I will be trying Fox's biscuits again, make no mistake! I have eaten Fox's biscuits before my biscuit bloggery days, and knew previously of their awesomeness, but this time I will record the awesome!

I give the golden crunch cream a respectable 3 stars. To the ginger crunch cream I award 3.5 stars.

A few of my friends have suggested that I begin a "classic biscuits" review month. I am considering doing this in the new year, but time will tell what happens! Stay tuned to biscuityblog!

Cheers, biscuity people.
See you next time


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