Wednesday 19 December 2012

Featured Biscuit: The Bahlsen Milk Choco Leibniz

Hey there Biscuit Fans!! This is what my biscuit tin looked like the day before I left university to go home:

So it was high time for me to go back home! Apologies for my lack of postings lately! I've been getting busy and festive, and coming home, so today this blog post comes from my family home in the North West of England rather than Wales :) Its been a very busy few weeks, hence my almost two week break in biscuit bloggery! In honour of the festive season, I have decided to blog about a biscuit that is technically avaliable the year round, but I don't really have them outside christmas time... so here we go!


This lovely tasty biscuit is a fantastic size! Unusually for me, a rectangular biscuit. good tesselation, providing maximum biscuits per pack ratio... however, they come in a tray arrangement, rather than a stack in a pack arrangement... meaning that there are 9 biscuits per pack. However, they are quite a treat of a biscuit, so I'm not too upset that they wern't that cheap. Not unaffordable, but still... Yeah, good size!! 


So yeah. Having such thick chocolate on it, I had suspected this might be a disappointing dunk experience. Yet, I have never been more happy to be wrong. Perhaps it was the fact that it was a continental german butter biscuit, and that the chocolate was thicker at the edges than at the middle, the chocolate melted a little, but not too much! And the biscuit did not become overlogged with beverage. a very very good dunking experience. This biscuit is on to a winner. 


As seen in the photo, a suprisingly few crumbs for a biscuit such as this. One could reasonably compare this biscuit itself to a rectangular rich tea biscuit, but its slightly crunchier and more buttery. I am impressed by the satisfying crunch and the chocolate to biscuit ratio. Unlike a chocolate digestive, the chocolate does not crumble with the biscuit, but is thick enough to have a snap of its own. However it is not so thick that it makes it bad to dunk, but it was thicker at the edges, making it rather pleasant to nibble off! :)


This may be suprising to some reading this, but the biscuit was very similar to that of a rich tea, but thinner, slightly crisper and with a distinctly buttery taste. The chocolate melts very nicely and can be nibbled at the edge! How satisfying! They are very moreish so its probably a good thing that there aren't many in a pack, but this is highly recommended! 

Overall Awesomeness:

For a rectangular biscuit, it has far exceeded my expectations when analysed under the biscuity lense of my eye. Germany, I salute you and your biscuity ways! Making butter a key ingredient in the biscuit, definitely makes a difference on the taste, and it makes me wish that more biscuit manufacturers used butter rather than vegetable fats or palm oil. Although, perhaps they could add a little salt to bring out the flavour of it all nicely. I think I have fonud my first 5 STAR BISCUIT! 

Until next time, biscuit fans, have a merry christmas/yule/hannukah/anything you might feel like celebrating :) Enjoy the festive season!!


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