Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas biscuit bloggery

Hey there biscuit fans! And a very merry christmas/yule/hannukah/wintery celebration to you all! I hope you are all feeling festive just like me!! Anyway, so its christmas day and I opened a present from my good friend Anna to find this beaut:

With its Panda mascot, going by the name of Vinnie, these are sure to be a tasty treat! Expect reviews of these biscuits in the new year!!! Thanks so much, Anna!!

In other biscuity news, in my family we always buy a few boxes of these chocolatey delights every year and there is always a scramble to be the first to pick a biscuit to choose the one with the most chocolate on.

Here's what it looks like on the inside! : 

Don't they look tasty??? Bet you're all jealous! they are a tasty delight. Unfortunatley, I am too lazy to blog about every biscuit in the packet, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to try every single one! So, I am a biscuit martyr... ok, a little melodramatic. And probably not true either. If anyone's interested, I chose this biscuit: 

What a swirly, chocolatey delight! it was extremely tasty, and seemed to be as much chocolate as biscuit. What a treat!! One more thing, biscuit fans. These vastly chocolatey biscuits are often enjoyed post-meal in my house and without beverage for full enjoyment of the biscuit experience!!

Merry Christmas, Biscuit buddies.

Until next time!!


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