Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas biscuit bloggery

Hey there biscuit fans! And a very merry christmas/yule/hannukah/wintery celebration to you all! I hope you are all feeling festive just like me!! Anyway, so its christmas day and I opened a present from my good friend Anna to find this beaut:

With its Panda mascot, going by the name of Vinnie, these are sure to be a tasty treat! Expect reviews of these biscuits in the new year!!! Thanks so much, Anna!!

In other biscuity news, in my family we always buy a few boxes of these chocolatey delights every year and there is always a scramble to be the first to pick a biscuit to choose the one with the most chocolate on.

Here's what it looks like on the inside! : 

Don't they look tasty??? Bet you're all jealous! they are a tasty delight. Unfortunatley, I am too lazy to blog about every biscuit in the packet, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to try every single one! So, I am a biscuit martyr... ok, a little melodramatic. And probably not true either. If anyone's interested, I chose this biscuit: 

What a swirly, chocolatey delight! it was extremely tasty, and seemed to be as much chocolate as biscuit. What a treat!! One more thing, biscuit fans. These vastly chocolatey biscuits are often enjoyed post-meal in my house and without beverage for full enjoyment of the biscuit experience!!

Merry Christmas, Biscuit buddies.

Until next time!!


Wednesday 19 December 2012

Featured Biscuit: The Bahlsen Milk Choco Leibniz

Hey there Biscuit Fans!! This is what my biscuit tin looked like the day before I left university to go home:

So it was high time for me to go back home! Apologies for my lack of postings lately! I've been getting busy and festive, and coming home, so today this blog post comes from my family home in the North West of England rather than Wales :) Its been a very busy few weeks, hence my almost two week break in biscuit bloggery! In honour of the festive season, I have decided to blog about a biscuit that is technically avaliable the year round, but I don't really have them outside christmas time... so here we go!


This lovely tasty biscuit is a fantastic size! Unusually for me, a rectangular biscuit. good tesselation, providing maximum biscuits per pack ratio... however, they come in a tray arrangement, rather than a stack in a pack arrangement... meaning that there are 9 biscuits per pack. However, they are quite a treat of a biscuit, so I'm not too upset that they wern't that cheap. Not unaffordable, but still... Yeah, good size!! 


So yeah. Having such thick chocolate on it, I had suspected this might be a disappointing dunk experience. Yet, I have never been more happy to be wrong. Perhaps it was the fact that it was a continental german butter biscuit, and that the chocolate was thicker at the edges than at the middle, the chocolate melted a little, but not too much! And the biscuit did not become overlogged with beverage. a very very good dunking experience. This biscuit is on to a winner. 


As seen in the photo, a suprisingly few crumbs for a biscuit such as this. One could reasonably compare this biscuit itself to a rectangular rich tea biscuit, but its slightly crunchier and more buttery. I am impressed by the satisfying crunch and the chocolate to biscuit ratio. Unlike a chocolate digestive, the chocolate does not crumble with the biscuit, but is thick enough to have a snap of its own. However it is not so thick that it makes it bad to dunk, but it was thicker at the edges, making it rather pleasant to nibble off! :)


This may be suprising to some reading this, but the biscuit was very similar to that of a rich tea, but thinner, slightly crisper and with a distinctly buttery taste. The chocolate melts very nicely and can be nibbled at the edge! How satisfying! They are very moreish so its probably a good thing that there aren't many in a pack, but this is highly recommended! 

Overall Awesomeness:

For a rectangular biscuit, it has far exceeded my expectations when analysed under the biscuity lense of my eye. Germany, I salute you and your biscuity ways! Making butter a key ingredient in the biscuit, definitely makes a difference on the taste, and it makes me wish that more biscuit manufacturers used butter rather than vegetable fats or palm oil. Although, perhaps they could add a little salt to bring out the flavour of it all nicely. I think I have fonud my first 5 STAR BISCUIT! 

Until next time, biscuit fans, have a merry christmas/yule/hannukah/anything you might feel like celebrating :) Enjoy the festive season!!


Thursday 6 December 2012

Featured biscuit(s): Fox's Golden and Ginger Crunch Creams

Hi there Biscuit Fans!

So I've got most of the day off, and we're halfway through our run of His Dark Materials - and its awesome. But I always have time to kick back and enjoy a biscuit inbetween rehearsals, sleep, and watching science programmes. Yup. Nerd here. I'm already feeling christmassy here in Aber, which is unusual- I'm not normally feeling christmassy until about the 17th (my mum's birthday!) and then the Yuletide feelings would kick in. Anyway -  Here are the biscuits of the day!

So the reason I'm doing both is because my friend Danny suggested that I do fox's crunch creams on the blog, but I bought the wrong kind. On my next trip to Morrisions, I phoned him whilst in the biscuit aisle and he told me which ones I should get. Ho ho ho. What a jape. 

For reference purposes, in the following photos, the golden crunch cream is on the left, whilst the ginger crunch cream is on the right.


....So these bicuits don't look particularly big... until you see THIS picture

these are THICK biscuits. They may not have the largest diameter, but wow. These triple decker biscuits are quite something. They even come in a reasonable sized packet! I'm not sure how many are in a packet because I only had a few... but better value than my last two featured biscuits!! Yes! 


Being a cream filled biscuit, I was dubious about the suitability for dunking. However, I found the dunking to be a most pleasant experience! The biscuit did not overlog with beverage and the cream did not soften too much. What a good dunker!! I'm so suprised!! No wonder they came with high recommendations from Danny. 


This biscuit suprised me. It definitely lived up to its crunch name. It was very crunchy. But its small size made it difficult to break into small peices for this attractive photo. However, lets face it- you're not really going to be breaking this biscuit apart, you're going to be biting it. Its awesome. 


Ok- so.... the golden crunch cream describes itself as "crunchy golden biscuits filled with yummy vanilla cream" ....the bit that worried me most was the vanilla bit. Because vanilla is code for boring. However - these biscuits were very tasty! I was glad that it was vanilla cream rather than vanilla flavour cream, because that would've just been like....no. Just no. REAL FLAVOURS NOMNOMNOM.

The ginger crunch cream, I must admit was better than the golden crunch cream. Simply by having a more interesting flavour. A little bit spicy is better than a bit mellow when it comes to biscuits, in my opinion. Feel free to disagree, but if there is a non-nutty alternative to vanilla, I will always take it- because more often than not, its just better.

Overall Awesomeness

Having never reviewed a sandwich biscuit before (because of the inevitable problems of how to eat it - layer by layer, or chomp across??) I was worried about taking this big step on my biscuity journey. But I was glad to have you biscuity people following as I feel we have really become close on the biscuit front. So with encouragement, I stepped outside my biscuit comfort zone and embarked. These two biscuits, whilst very similar, boast distinct differences from each other making very different biscuit experiences. The golden crunch cream was the sort of biscuit you could give to a friend without bother. The ginger crunch cream however, was the sort of biscuit you'd be more careful about handing out- much like a story a friend told me where he was most upset that somebody had put his hobnobs (a particular favourite of his) into the public biscuit tin in his house where all were free to snaffle them.
All in all, I was pleasantly suprised by the quality these biscuits offered. I will be trying Fox's biscuits again, make no mistake! I have eaten Fox's biscuits before my biscuit bloggery days, and knew previously of their awesomeness, but this time I will record the awesome!

I give the golden crunch cream a respectable 3 stars. To the ginger crunch cream I award 3.5 stars.

A few of my friends have suggested that I begin a "classic biscuits" review month. I am considering doing this in the new year, but time will tell what happens! Stay tuned to biscuityblog!

Cheers, biscuity people.
See you next time


Which biscuit is the best?