Thursday 25 April 2013

Featured Biscuit: The Maryland Big N Chunky White Choc Chunk Brownie Cookies

Hello Biscuity Friends!! Its time for another blog update! I feel I am well derserved a break in my long slog as a 3rd year and have decided the time has come to update the blog!

Today I am reviewing the Maryland Big N Chunky White Choc Chunk Brownie Cookies. What a mouthful! ...metaphorically and literally!! For it is possibly the longest name for a biscuit I have ever seen, and also is, true to its name, big n chunky.

you can tell just how big they are, because those are my giraffe-onesie bearing knees you can see under the desk. So this is some serious biscuit shiz. 


About the circumference of your average digestive biscuit. Not hugely impressive size-wise until you take into account that this, is a THICK biscuit. Many of you will be familiar with its older cousin, the maryland chocolate chip cookie- think of that, but twice the size and a bit glammed up. Yeah. It really is big and chunky. Maryland may not have been very creative in the naming of this biscuit, but they sure where honest!!


Though it is unusual for me to say so, I think that dunking VASTLY improves this biscuit. True it is top-notch pre-dunking, and would serve very well as an alongside-beverage biscuit, but I feel it becomes considerable more brownie-like in its consistencey once dunked. More on this later! The recommeneded dunking time for this biscuit would be an average of 4 seconds. "Such a long dunk time!" I hear you seasoned biscuityblog readers cry- but let me assure you, I am not going mad. The chunkyness of this biscuit requires a longer dunking time, as a short dunk time on a biscuit of this stature is entirely redundant. 


Suprisingly few crumbs for a biscuit like this! I was pleased not to have to get out the vacuum cleaner for my desk again. If you are reading my blog, parents, I'd like to point out that that was a JOKE. I don't vacuum my desk. I am careful! Also, what are you doing?? Haven't you got more important things to do?? 
All together a very satisfying biscuit to munch on, there is a definite crumble, but a lack of crunch; which in my current mood suits me very nicely. 


I am suprised to find to be told by my tastebuds that there is either a higher quality of cocoa or a higher ratio of cocoa to flour in these little beauties. I am however, very disappointed by the distinct lack of brownieness that appears to be in this biscuit. Poor show, Maryland. If you're going to call it a brownie cookie, MAKE SURE THERE IS BROWNIE IN IT! This biscuit can only really acheive something akin to brownieness when dunked. And being (as I'm sure my friends will agree) the queen of making brownies, I feel like a totally appropriate authority to pass this kind of judgement. 
However, it was refreshing to have a biscuit that contains white chocolate not to be sickeningly over-sweet! Though the white chocolate itself is far from high quality, it is nevertheless also a long way from the cheap crap one may find in a pic n' mix of a long forgotten Woolworths. Pleasantly suprised. On that count, good show, Maryland!!

Overall awesomeness

I must admit, despite its downfall on the brownieness front, I have thoroughly enjoyed this biscuit. Whilst the biscuits per packed is disappointing (only 8 per packet!! this is an outrage!!) I feel that the high prestige of this biscuit earns it something of a treat only snack. Yes, its all very well and good campaiging for the rights of access to quality biscuits for the masses, but these should be strictly rationed. This particular packed I bought on special offer for £1 at Morrisons. Usually they are a bit more expensive, but I feel I would probably not have bought them at standard price. 

A brilliant biscuit- 4.5 Stars.

Until next time, biscuit lovers!!


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