Tuesday 30 October 2012


Well hello there, biscuit lovers!

Seeing as I was getting many comments about how much people liked my biscuit updates on facebook, I decided to make a biscuit channel on youtube. Having thought about this, it was a silly idea, it would just be me eating biscuits on camera going "mmmm!" and seeing as I don't like being watched when I'm eating, a blog would be more sensible :P However, this blog is far from sensible and will be entirely devoted to biscuits.

Future posts will include THE FEATURED BISCUIT!
and ratings for:

-overall awesomeness

Unfortunately, I'm allergic to nuts, so I'd be getting someone else to try those particular biscuits out for me. If you trust their biscuity opinions as you do mine, then we should all get along spiffingly!

Please recommend a biscuit for me to try this week! I'm going shopping today and will be buying BISCUITS.

Cheerz everyone



  1. Who wants nuts in a biscuit anyway...
    Those biscuits in the picture (I can't remember their actual name) look like they'd make a first review so I vote them!

  2. So, everyone thinks chocolate digestives are best. 100% of correspondants, well, me that is.

  3. Just tucked into a packet of digestives in your honour. What a sexy blog x


Which biscuit is the best?