Sunday 31 May 2015

Featured Biscuit: Fox's Dark Chocolate Ginger Ring

Hello biscuit fans!

I know it's been a while since I posted on here- but I'm not going to waste time explaining why I've not been posting- because we all want to hear about the biscuits!! So let's jump in! This post's biscuit is the Fox's Dark Chocolate Ginger Ring. 

Don't be fooled by the yellow packaging, this biscuit contains no caramel whatsoever- see!



Whilst this biscuit doesn't have the largest size of any biscuit I've ever reviewed, it does boast an impressive chocolate to biscuit ratio, with the packet claiming it to be "More chocolate than a biscuit" something few other biscuits claim to do! It's also quite a tall biscuit to get your teeth around. Make of that what you will. 


As with many a gingery biscuit, a satisfying snap to the dark chocolate ginger ring. Few crumbs, indicating a potentially liquid retentive biscuit. But I think there is more than meets the eye to this biscuit. For some reason it irritated me slightly to find that the biscuit didn't snap cleanly across- I think due to the structural shape of the chocolate, the sides of the inside of the ring not being parallel, but tilting towards each other. 


As with many biscuits boasting copious chocolate content, this is a biscuit that, whilst tasting spiffing dunked in a brew, is probably better enjoyed as an alongside-beverage-biscuit. As a person who likes her beverages not to burn her mouth I would usually wait longer for my drink too cool down before going ahead with such a risky dunk, however I could not resist going strait ahead with this biscuit. As I typically prefer dark chocolate in a biscuit (more on this later on) I was keen to see the melting rate of the chocolate compared to that of the gingery ring within. Recalling my comments on the crumbliness of the biscuit, I was right that whilst having a higher than expected coffee retention rate, it still maintained structural integrity, remaining crunchy. The chocolate didn't melt as much as I might have liked, but to leave the biscuit in the drink longer may have been a risky venture. I would recommend no longer than 8 seconds dunking at the very most. 


Close to the beginning of the biscuit blog, I decided I would not be reviewing ginger nut biscuits because they were, whilst delicious, extremely dangerous to dunk. And since then I have only reviewed one ginger biscuit (see my post on the Fox's Ginger Crunch Cream) and was pleasantly surprised by that one. Again here, I was surprised! It was definitely gingery- I find in some ginger biscuits, the actual ginger content is so low, that to the unrefined pallete, it may be mistaken for cinnamon. However, whilst not as gingery as it could be, it had a definite zing and firey kick that I like in a biscuit- and when paired with the bittersweet dark chocolate provided a very tasty treat. 

Overall Awesomeness

I really really liked this biscuit, I'm not going to lie. But at the same time, I did have some problems with it. Firstly, the biscuit to packet ratio. Only 8 biscuits in a packet for £1.50? That's a bit steep, dudes. However, my father graciously purchased these with the biscuit blog in mind, so I thought it'd be great to do it again. However when I got to the packet SEVEN OF THE BISCUITS HAD GONE! So I went into the review feeling, at least a little miffed, and at most very suspicious of someone in my house who I know has a history of stealing round, chocolate objects. Another, more frequent visitor to the grocery cupboard in my house is the Fox's Milk Chocolate Shortcake Ring, which could be said to be the spiritual sister to this biscuit- only the dark chocolate ginger ring is more refined and sophisticated. Some may call it a sexier biscuit. I may be among those people. Whilst one could gorge upon the milk chocolate shortcake ring, one must savour the dark chocolate ginger ring for a more special occasion which is to this day why I have only had one. Nothing to do with the fact that I live with a bunch of greedy buggers. 

I award this biscuit a tremendously well earned 4.5 stars.

Until next time, biscuit fans!!

If you have a biscuit you'd like me to review, let me know in the comments. Be aware I can't eat any biscuits with nuts in. 

Which biscuit is the best?