Thursday 7 November 2013

Featured Biscuit: The McVitie's Double Chocolate Digestive

Dear Biscuit Fans

I must first, as usual, apologise for my lack of postings. There have been some major changes in my life since my last post almost 7 months ago! I've graduated from university, moved back home, turned 22, got a new job at a theatre and moved again, and started working on a number of new projects writing and theatrical- so you can understand I've been pretty busy ;) Anyway, I hope this biscuity review reaches you well!! here goes...

For those of you who cannot read the miniscule writing below the picture on the packaging it says "chocolate flavour divestive biscuits with chocolate chips, half coated in milk chocolate" -now, I'm not expert, but wouldn't that make it triple chocolate? or perhaps it is because the biscuit is "chocolate flavour with chocolate chips, half coated in milk chocolate" that it is double rather than triple chocolate. Either way, nom nom nom!! 


Smaller in diameter than your ordinary mcvitie's digestive (chocolate or otherwise) but it makes up for it by being thicker also. Also I was quite pleased to see that the chocolate on top seemed to be thicker too!


Hardly any crumbs at all! Making for a good crunch- very satisfying :) there is a certain integrity to the structure that I feel is supported by the chocolate chips. 


Firstly, biscuit fans- please appreciate my coffee making skillz (I say it with a z because its more hip and fun that way) 

Ok, now for the actual dunking

Mightily impressed by the dunking capabilities that this biscuit has!! I can hold the biscuit into my beverage for about 8 seconds before it becomes a soggy mess. I feel this to be a record in the digestive biscuits category! The fact that the milk chocolate atop said biscuit melts very satisfyingly whilst still having a good crunch to the biscuit has also increased the excellence of this dunking experience.  Having previously been a long standing spokesperson for the promotion of dark-chocolate covered biscuits, I feel perhaps I have been hasty at my harsh words towards the milk chocolate biscuit....


Well well well. This is a most complicated biscuit to describe. Texturally speaking, a very satisfying biscuit. However, the biscuit itself is "chocolate flavour" and not "chocolate" as in flavoured using cocoa powder, and thus leaving a somewhat artificial taste in the palette. Yet, the chocolate chips are dark and have a nice bittersweet edge to the biscuit, and the milk chocolate on top is somewhat... better than your average biscuit milk chocolate, which can sometimes be extremely poor in quality and taste like the air in a wood working shop (full of sawdust!). So good chocolate on both fronts. But biscuit... mediocre.

Overall Awesomeness

I'd say that despite the biscuit's mediocrity, its chocolate quality and excellent dunking and crumbliness experiences, its a fairly good biscuit. I'm happy to say that I can award this biscuit a fair 3.5 Stars out of 5.

Until next time, Biscuit lovers (and hopefully it won't be as long as the last wait ;) ) 


Which biscuit is the best?