Sunday 19 May 2013

Featured Biscuit: The Fox's Raspberry and Cream Melt (Plus extra news on other biscuit debates!)

Well hello there biscuit fans! How lovely it is to be blogging again :) I've finished my degree now, so will have much more time for blogging about everybody's favourite snacks. On with the review? Yes, methinks!!


Not your standard biscuit! A finger shaped sandwich biscuit! As part of a range of melts that Fox's does (which I highly recommend by the way) This week I am reviewing the raspberry and cream melt. Size wise it is not too shabby! Good shape too for those dunking novices. Also, not too thick for a sandwich biscuit! Sometimes they can just be too thick. 


I was pleasantly suprised by the dunking of this biscuit! Being called a melt, I was slightly concerned that this biscuit may be prone to something I have called "instant dissolving" whereupon any liquid contact with said biscuit will result in an immediate soggy mess. However, I was cheered to find that it maintained its integrity and form! GOOD SHOW, FOX!


Omnomnomomm. Not a single crumb was shed, and yet they melt in the mouth, so befitting their name.  Similar to a shortbread biscuit, though describing itself as a "Luxirious viennese biscuit" delish! Tastiness! very satisfying :) 


This is a tasty biscuit. No point denying it. However, I do have some issues regarding the jam and cream part of the biscuit. I understand that for shelf-life reasons biscuit manufacturers are unable to put ACTUAL cream in a biscuit. But I still found this a pleasant taste experience! And the jam- raspberry being my favourite, I feared the biscuit here may struggle as I like my raspberry jam to have seeds. This was seedless. However, this biscuity jam did not have the syntheticy disgusting taste that often comes with seedless raspberry jam. It actually contained raspberries. I was...impressed.

Overall Awesomeness

I'd say this biscuit was fairly awesome. Infact, I'd say one of the best fruit-filling biscuits I have ever had. I'd highly recommend it! Fox's have managed to create a very good biscuit without the drawback of containing palm oil. So I'd be very pleased to give this biscuit.... 4 stars!! 


Well- A friend of mine recently asked me to investigate the mcvitie's claim that their chocolate digestives now claimed to have "even more chocolate" topping them. I have throughly investigated and found that, curiously, it is both false and true. The method by which this "extra chocolate" has been applied seems to have left it somewhat slanted- with the normal amount on one side and an extra on the other side. So... if this affects how you feel about chocolate digestive biscuits, I suggest you are either careful with how you handle your biccies or change to a different brand. Thanks for the tip off for this investigation, Hannah!

until next time, biscuity readers!


Which biscuit is the best?