Saturday 23 March 2013

Featured Biscuit: The Boland's Fig Roll

Why hello there biscuit fans far and wide!

After a bit of a break from the biscuit blog, and having finished the practical part of the latest project I was involved in, I now have a little more time for, yep, you guessed it, eating biscuits. Today I am reviewing a classic, the fig roll. Though some deem this not quite a biscuit, more of a biscuit sized pastry. Indeed, the packaging does mark it out to be made of pastry 

A little research on ye olde worlde wide webbe showed me that there is more history to this little biscuits than meet the eye! Yes, it seems that these have been a tasty treat since ancient egyptian times! Also in America they are not known as fig rolls, but as fig newtons. My superiors in the biscuit bloggery and review world Nicey and Wifey at tell me that there is some debate as to which method of making fig rolls is best- cut then bake? or bake then cut?? Personally, I think cut then bake, much like the bolands fig roll does, as it makes for a less fally-aparty end to any biscuit. I have found in my explorations of fig rolls in my many years of biscuit eating that the bake then cut method tends to be left to supermarkets own brand of fig rolls (Which are usually, though there are exceptions to this, inferior)

Anyway, though I am sure you a veritably thrilled to learn about the many arguements that we biscuit experts (or in my case, self proclaimed expert) have over fig rolls, I think its about time we got to the review!


For me, this is the ideal size for a non-circular biscuit. Plenty of fruity filling, but not too thick to get your mouth around. Though it does have a filling, as you can see it is not made with layers, making for a much less risky biting experience. For those who prefer a little more danger in their biscuits, I'd recommend anything fruity in a sandwich type biscuit.


When dunking this, I was somewhat scpetical, as previously I had found that the filling in biscuits does not absorb beverage like the main structure of a biscuit. However, if dunked correctly, the fig roll can be a marvellous dunker! Just don't do it for too long otherwise your fig will come out of your mug without its roll and you will be left with some soggy mush at the bottom of your beverage, a tragic wase both of beverage and biscuit. A few seconds is enough for this biscuit, but don't be too hasty to take your biscuit from your drink, as otherwise there is no point in dunking at all! 


I was pleasantly suprised by how easily this biscuit broke into two for its little photo shoot. Almost no crumbs were lost! I noted during my chewing experience, how the outside edges of the biscuit were slightly crunchier than the middle, but this made it all the more satisfying for the eats. 


This biscuit, is without a doubt, a love it or hate it experience. Mainly because it comes down to the figgy filling within. If you are a fig fan, like myself, you will find this biscuit so joyus it may bring you to tears. For those not figgy inclined, you will probably run away in horror. The satisfying texture of the figs is accompanied by the ocassional miniscule crunch of a fig seed and its a simply marvellous taste experience. The 'pastry' (Which I think of as the biscuit part) is not overly sweet as I feared it might be, but allowed the fig to take over the sweet quota of the biscuit. Its simply marvellous!

Overall awesomeness

Well biscuit fans, I have to say that this is a tip-top biscuit. Though in the packet I bought there were only 12 fig rolls, at a price far less than £1 I find this hard to complain about. I think given the mystery and intrigue the facts that fig rolls bring, and the idea that these were good enough for a Pharoah thousands of years ago has to earn this biscuit a good rating. I give it 4 stars!!

Thanks again Biscuit fans! Hopefully I'll be able to post a little more regularly now :)


Thursday 7 March 2013

...yeah... sorry... again!

Hello folks!

As you may have noticed, devoted biscuit fans, it has been quite some time since I posted on this blog. BUT FEAR NOT! I have not forgotten about it :) my plan is to do a proper biscuit review either on wednesday or next weekend. I've been such a busy bee that my life has not yet allowed me to be a biscuit blogger for quite some time!! I know its been a little over a month... but let me assure you, once the next two weeks are over I will be posting much more regularly :) This degree sure is beansy!!


Which biscuit is the best?